"Fat Pill of the Week"
I'm starting a new family tradition called fat pill of the week. It is where I make a dessert from scratch for the whole family. Those of you who have served with me in the military should be familiar with the terminology of fat pill. For those of you who have not, please don't think that I'm that crude or politically incorrect.
The phrase first came about approximately 8 years ago. When you're in the infantry and training in the field, you do not normally have the opportunity to go to the chow hall (cafeteria) and enjoy a hot meal. Typically, it's either an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat), or some hot chow that was prepared hours prior. The food would be O.K., but a fellow officer and I when partaking in the meals continually looked forward to the desserts. No matter how bad the field was (cold, rain, or sometimes unbearably hot, sleeping on concrete or next to an incredibly loud snorer) the dessert would some how help you to temporarily forget all of that. Hence, the name "fat pill". I guess you could say that it was good medicine, except for around the tummy.
Anyway, Tara made too much rice yesterday, so I figured my first project would be rice pudding (I know it looks more like flan). Unfortunately, this project didn't go as planned. The instructions stated that the cooking time was 45 to 55 minutes, but it actually took 2 hours. With the prolonged cook time it tasted rather dry. Tara, Matthew, and Kayla thought it was disgusting, but Timothy seemed to enjoy it. As for me, thanks to Army food I can pretty much eat anything, so I had two helpings.
As for next week, since it is Tara's birthday I'm going to bake a cake. Hopefully, it will go a lot better than the rice pudding.
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