In reference to details, Tara woke me up at approx. 4:30 to let me know to get ready. Being that this was #4 I assumed (I'll never do that again) that we had some time, and figured I'd take a quick shower. By the time my shower ended Tara advised me that I needed to hurry, because her water broke. My intent was to try to get her up and race to the hospital, but the Lord had different plans. Tara told me to hurry and get some beach towels, because she felt the baby coming. Like a good husband I listened to her advice, and I'm sure you can figure out the rest. At 4:43 am on Thurs. morning little Emma was in her mother's arms, and her mother was lying on the kitchen floor. I have no pictures to prove any of this, but I do have a birth certificate signed by yours truly as the delivering physician. God is definitely good.

Hey Peter! I just checked out your blog from your link on facebook (thanks for looking me up by the way!). How incredible that you delivered your daughter at home! That's amazing! You don't hear of that very often! It looks like we've both had two children since we last saw each other at PBU... =)